04/20/s022. New Book: Chinese Traditional Religion & Temples in North America, 1849-1920: California. Ca. 530 pages, 351 illustrations, lots of Chinese-language refs and terms.
The records may be the only Chinese-language documents in San Francisco that
survived the 1906 Earthquake and Fire.
For July 2016: A major conference on Chinese outside China will take place in Vancouver, organized by ISSCO, the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF CHINESE OVERSEAS, and hosted by the University of British Columbia, This is only the second time that an ISSCO conference has been held in North America. The event will be held in Richmond, a suburb with a large Chinese-speaking population and many excellent Chinese restaurants, at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel from July 6-8, 2016. Numerous historians and social scientists from Asia and Europe as well as the Americas will attend. For more information go to the UBC's ISSCO website.
10/19/2015 A 1864 date for "Chinese Masons"! Two years before Gustave Schlegel popularized the idea that Chinese secret societies and the Euro-American Freemasons might be connected, and long before the term began to be used by the Chee Kung Tong and Bing Kung Tong. And in, for goodness' sake, Weaverville, way off in the Trinity Alps of Northern California. Amazing!
9/4/2015 "The Gods of Chinese North America," an illustrated list of the principal deities, almost all of them Daoist, as worshiped by early Chinese in the United States and Canada. Of the many hundred gods and goddesses featured in the traditional folk and formal religions of China, only a handful made it across the Pacific to the New World. They are listed here as a convenience to temple fanciers and scholars, some of whom may not be too familiar with Chinese folk beliefs, and as an advertisement for the editors' next books, on (1) the three best-preserved early Chinese temples in North America (in Marysville, Oroville, and Weaverville, not San Francisco) and on (2) historic Chinese temples in the western United States.
4/11/2015 Updated list of historic opium brand names, as stamped on the lids of opium cans in historical and archaeological collections, in North America and Australia. Such cans contained ready-to-smoke opium refined in Hong Kong, Macao, Victoria BC, or Vancouver.
The purpose of this site and of CINARC is to encourage
collaboration in exploring the history of Chinese in the Pacific Northwest - in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, and Alaska,with much of California. - between the first known arrival of Chinese in 1788 and the great changes in the regional Chinese population that followed the liberalizing of U.S. immigration laws in 1965.
金山西北角 -华裔研究中心
Chinese in Northwest America Research Committee
Comments on a recent news article about the remedies preserved in the Kam Wah Chung Museum
plus new information from the account books of a merchant and labor contractor, Chin Gee Hee

Includes cures for shingles, toothache, swollen feet, and belly button wind
Chop Suey 杂碎
This famous food forms an important, though not always admired, part of American culinary history.
New research shows that it was invented in New York and that it came late to the Northwest.
Historians often have trouble identifying American place names in early Chinese-language writings.
This section is offered as an aid to researchers, here and in China. [Updated 12/16/09]
This will eventually include most of the U.S. and Canadian organizations that specialize in Chinese-
North American history.
A good many Chinese sailors and skilled craftsmen worked for British traders on the west coast
of Vancouver in the late 18th century. The traders were collecting sea otter furs for sale in China.
(Chinese sailors visited the East Coast even earlier, in 1785)
Smuggling Chinese Immigrants 非法入境
For many decades, the border between British Columbia and Washington State saw intense smuggling
activity as well as spasmodic efforts to enforce immigration laws. Here we present outstanding episodes
in the long, sometimes comic and sometimes tragic war between coast guards and border patrolmen
on the one hand and smugglers on the other. While modern immigrant smugglers often belong to the
ethnic group being smuggled, in the historic Northwest they were mostly European-Americans - sailors,
fishermen, farmers, police, immigration officials, and just about any other sort of white citizen who had
access to a boat or lived near a cross-border trail..
Fishing and Fish Processing 渔业

For the latest features, click on What's New. For info on (1) the CINARC logo and (2) strange rows of boxes in the text, click here]

Why Chinese in the Early Pacific Northwest Died 亡命天涯
Historians agree that there were many deaths among Chinese sojourners in the Northwest during
the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, we have little aggregated information about how many
died, and why. The provincial archives preserved in Victoria, B.C., provide more complete data on early
Chinese mortality than do records in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Alaska.
If so, you're not carrying out the principles of unionism" This quote from a 1906 union newspaper
shows that the hostility of organized labor toward Chinese in Seattle even included laundries. [03/11/09]
Secret Societies or Chinese Freemasons
The goal of many secret societies in China was revolution against the Manchu dynasty thast ruled the
country. In southern China, the most important such society was the Hongmen or Tiandihui. In the
Americas, renamed the Chee Kung Tong, the society and its offshoots played central roles in Chinatowns
during the19th century
The visit by an Imperial Commission led by an actual prince, Tsai Tseh (or Tai Ze), improved relations
between European-American and Chinese-American leaders. The commissioners were the highest-
ranking Chinese to visit Seattle until after World War II. [Updated 07/22/09]
The Prince arrived on the Great Northern Railroad's steamship Dakota, then one of the two largest ships
on the Pacific. As with its sister ship, the SS Minnesota, many sailors on the SS Dakota were Chinese.
temple in Marysville! [01/25/10]
1871- now The North God: Bi Di, Bok Dai, Bok Kai, Beuk Aie

加拿 大卑斯省域多利谭公庙 A fire damaged much of the temple in the 1990s, but some of its most
important antique furnishings survived which bear dates (In imperial reign years) that prove the temple

already existed in the 19th century. [11/30/2008]
加拿大域多利埠中华会馆大堂 One of the finest shrines in Nortjh America features splendid
calligraphy by notable persons back in China [12/14/2009]
三藩市岡州会馆 - 权贵显赫门楣 Inscriptions by the great Wu Ting Fan and others at an important
center of Daoist worship [01/26/10]
It turns out that a once-notorious detention center for Asian immigrants in Seattle still survives -- as a
mini-storage facility about a mile north of the city's central waterfront. The editors visited it in the
company of historian John R. Litz, who rediscovered it recently through archival detective work. [01/15/09]
In the late nineteenth century, Canada ran one of the nastiest prisons on the continent for Chinese
awaiting deportation and for clarification of immigration status. Neither the U.S. nor Canada kept
convicted murderers under worse conditions. [Updated 06/20/09]
Compared with the one in Victoria, Port Townsend's facility for housing would-be Chinese immigrants
sounds relatively humane. Unfortunately, it would soon be closed due to the clout of Seattle and the
Great Northern Railroad. [Updated 04/16/09]
Ben Ure, famed smuggler and leading citizen of Whidby Island, is reputed to have routinely drowned his
illegal Chinese passengers to avoid detection by the Customs Service. Local folklore treats this as
amusing. We think it is not. [02/12/09]
The dragon's well-preserved remains, no longer in working condition, have been found at the Bok Kai
Temple in Marysville, CA. It is the largest and most important surviving Asian artifact from the AYPE.[02/16/09]
The CINARC logo consists of the character for "gold (jin in Mandarin; gum in Cantonese), as written by a famous Tang Dynasty calligrapher, over an image of Mt. Rainier. just south of Seattle. "Gold Mountain" is what the Chinese still call San Francisco and formerly called the entire west coast of the U.S.
Rows of small squares like this -- -- in the text are actually Chinese characters in Microsoft's widely used Unicode format. To see them as readable characters, you might like to activate the Chinese fonts that come with Windows XP, Vista, and Mac OS 9 and higher.

As it turned out, China needed revolution, not reformation. Before that, however, the Baohuanghui, the
Preserve-the-Emperor Association, offered new status to U.S. and Canadian Chinese [Updated 07/30/09]
落叶不归根 : 抓李抓嚹早期华人墓地
At least in Walla Walla, Washington, persons buried in the 1920s and 1930s often stayed there
rather than being exhumed and shipped back to their home towns in southern China [07/02/09]
The home (on Bainbridge Island) belonged to a wealthy Japanese-American, Masajiro Furuya. It served as
a summer resort for many Seattle Japanese and as a private agricultural experiment station. Some of the
trees he planted survive. They may be the oldest living Asian-American plants in the region [07/15/09]
Historians often depict early woman immigrants to is region as powerless victims of a rigid patriarchy and an
American society that was both racist and sexist. The historians are right about the patriarchy and the
society but not, necessarily, about the women. Many were neither slave-girl prostitutes nor submissive
The drug played an important role in the lives and budgets of North American Chinese during the 19th
century. For some modern Chinese-Americans it is a closed, forbidden subject. We think it is time
that the subject be opened up.
Producing and selling opium 煮烟
Smuggling opium, 1880-1920 走私
Using opium 吸烟
Banning opium and curing addicts 禁烟, 戒烟

See above: opium pipe bowls 烟斗excavated in North America, from the famous

kilns of Yixing 宜兴(Jiangsu province), Qinzhou 钦州(Guangxi province), and Shiwan/

Shekwan 石湾 (Guangdong province), as used by Chinese immigrants in the U.S. and

Canada, We believe these Shiwan examples to be among the first pipe-bowls from

that kiln center ever published, in or outside China.
Threats from, and actual violence by, local whites bent on ethnic cleansing were a fact of life for Chinese
immigrants in the Pacific Northwest. So why did Chinese come, though neither desperate nor poor? Why
did they stay with such stubborn bravery? One goal of this website is to seek answers to questions like
April 21, 2022. After several years of neglect, this site is being revived. Please be patient until updating is complete
Copyright information. Nonprofit users are free to use text and original or out-of-copyright images from these web pages as long as they credit CINARC and ask subsequent users to do the same. Images that are credited to other individuals or institutions, however, should not be reproduced without first consulting the owners. For-profit users should get the permission of CINARC's editors before publication, in print or electronic form.
click on topic for details)
Opium Trade & Use Anti-ChineseViolence A-Y-P Exposition Detention Fishing Emperor
Smuggling Chinese PlaceNames First Chinese Why Chinese Died Secret Society Prince Tsai Comes
Shrines, Temples Laundries Chop Suey Herbal Medicine Women Cemeteries
|7| |8| |9| |10| |11| |12|
|13| |14| |15| |16| |17| |18|
In fact, the term is not even Ameican. It was being used in Singapore by 1844. well before the Gold Rush
and the immigration of Chinese miners to California [07/2/10]
This page was last updated: April 21, 2022
For a detailed index to Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition features, click here
In 1887 Lewiston (ID) Chinese donated $170 in gold dust to help the Deep Creek Massacre victims' families back in China.
New Book! By the web editors, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson, with 500+ pages. Available from Amazon.com Click here for details.
San Francisco's Chinatown on the eve of the Earthquake. Newly redrawn by the editors as part of their research on early North American Chinese temples. Click here to see the maps.