CINARC (the Chinese in Northwest America Research Committee) was established in July, 2008.neglected for the last decade, and is now(in April 2022) being revived. We are West Coast-based researchers who approach the subject from the viewpoints of history, anthropology, and economics. Details of our various research interests will appear here in due course.
The editor of CINARC's website is
Eng Choy 伍才, Historian, California
Writers for the website are
Chuimei Ho 何翠媚 and Bennet Bronson 班臣
Chuimei received her Ph.D. in archaeology and art history from the University of London. She is an adjunct curator at the Field Museum, and was a founder and first president of the Chinese-American Museum of Chicago.
Ben's Ph.D. is in anthropology, from the University of Pennsylvania. He is an emeritus curator of Asian archaeology and ethnology at Chicago's Field Museum.
Both are authors and editors of Chinese in Cjhicago, 1870-1945 (2005); Chicago's Chinatown - A Visitor's Guide (2010), Coming Hoime in God Brocade (2015), Three Chinese Temples in California (2016). and Traditional Chinese Religionand Temples in North America, 1049-1920 (2022). All are available from Amazon.com. The writers are responsible for all articles in this site except those explicitly credited to others.
Jaunary 2, 2016. CINARC welcomes its first consulting editor.
Suk Yee Lai, 黎淑儀 (Hong Kong). An art historian specializing in traditional Chinese art, with expertise on Chinese ceramics, classical texts and images. Suk Yee has just retired from the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has published extensively on different aspects of Chinese art, especially on Yixing stoneware.
December 1, 2009. CINARC has just acquired its first corresponding editor:
Larry Wong 王容伦 (Vancouver, B.C.), now deceased. A public historian, Larry Wong is a board director of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia, having been a founder and president previously. He was also the vice president of the Vancouver Historical Society 2006-2010 and is the curator of the Chinese Canadian Military Museum in Vancouver's Chinatown. Recent publication: Dim Sum Stories - Gold Mountain Stories (2010),
CINARC will gradually add corresponding editors for other places in the Pacific Northwest
To contact CINARC, you can ...
(1) leave a message in the Comments section of this website.
(2) send an email to editor@cinarc.org, or
(3) send a letter to CINARC, PO Box 23128, Seattle WA 98102
We will do our best to reply right away.
March 28, 2010. The editors wish to acknowledge the repeated help of several other specialists. Their names are included here from pride as well as courtesy. We are proud to know them and feel that their interest gives credibility to the website.
April 2022. Sadly, the first three have died since this was first written year 2016.
Philip Choy, architect and historian, a founder of the Chinese Historical Society of America, San Francisco, California. Recent publication: Canton Footprints: Sacramento's Chinese Legacy (2008).
David Chuenyan Lai, 黎全恩 A geographer, historian, and community builder based at University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. Recent publication: Chinese Community Leadership, Case Study of Victoria in Canada (2010).
Reg X, collector and webmaster, Chinese Pioneer Historial Museum, Williams Lake, British Columbia.
Priscilla Wegars, historian, Asian American Comparative Collection, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Recent publications: Polly Bemis: A Chinese American Pioneer (2003); co-editor and an author of Chinese American Death Rituals: Respecting the Ancestors (2005).

This page was last updated: February 25, 2023